
Dr. Julie is the perfect mix of light-hearted and hardcore on her vlog “drjloknows.” The show is designed to bring her experience, information, and motivation to people that cannot attend weekly therapy appointments with Dr. Julie.

Episodes are based on actual sessions that she has had with clients. Many of the issues in the psychotherapy office are generalizable to most people. We all have had to deal with topics such as: being overly available to others, not saying no when we know we should, not being motivated to work out, go to work or eat well. Many of us are not comfortable with conflict. In addition, some people are not familiar with expressing their feelings because they don’t know the right words.

This is not uncommon! Dr. Julie spends much of her time teaching people how to feel and apply the correct terms to these feelings (beyond the labels of angry, sad, frustrated)

There are so many more emotions that humans experience other than the big three! Tune into DrJLO Knows to hear more about these topics and so much more. Find DRJLo Knows on Youtube, Facebook Live, TikTok, and Linkedin.

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Psychology Practice

Find Drjloknows on Youtube, Facebook Live, TikTok, and Linkedin.